The most insightful piece of information this process provided was, unsurprisingly, around responsibility. I realized that I’ve kept looking externally for answers. I’ve been operating under the assumption that if only I found the right doctor who would be the perfect synthesis of Eastern and Western medicine, the epitome of heart-centered care and connected to top-notch specialists, I would quickly find my way. In this one part of my life, I longed to be puppet, I kept looking for someone else would tell me what to do at every turn. I realized I needed to begin viewing myself as the primary care physician. I needed to be the person I kept hoping someone else would be for me.Katie Fotis is inspired by Dan Thompson’s Empty Shops NetworkRodeo for the Sheepish features such memorably musical talents as Geggy Tah’s Tommy C. Jordan, The Untouchables’ Danny Moynahan, and producer/composer Harlan Steinberger of Hen House Studios. Rabbits Running’s Robbie Fitzsimmons has recently joined the ensemble.Drug rehab dealing with alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Nationwide coverage along with drug intervention services.